“To Help People Navigate The Complex Structured Settlement Factoring Process Enabling People To Gain Control Of Their Settlement Making Sure They Have A Positive Outcome That’s In Their Best Interest.”

Our watchdog approach has become a necessity in an industry that some refer to as the “wild-west of finance” making sure each customer we work with gets the most for their settlement payments.

For over 10 years we have witnessed every trick possible in the factoring company playbook and want to make sure you don’t become a victim of these tactics.

We tirelessly review court filings day and night auditing cases to determine if people are getting a “fair deal” and need help.  Most of the time we are able to help people get more money than they would have received going it alone.

Our advocates will talk with you and work on a plan that’s in YOUR best interest, not the factoring companies.  Over the years we have helped countless people like yourself realize that their settlement payments are worth more than they thought.